MI Adjusting are one of the UK’s leading specialist liability adjusters.
Operating from a regional network, our liability team offer powerful claims solutions to our Client’s requirements. Our Adjusters have been brought together from diverse professional backgrounds, including Chartered Loss Adjusters, members of the Chartered Insurance Institute, Chartered Insurance Practitioners, Surveyors and Graduates.

We focus on the following disciplines:
- Employers Liability
- Public/Products Liability
- Disease Claims
- Professional Indemnity
- Sports & Leisure
- Contractors All Risks
- Equestrian Claims
- Tour Operators
All claims are allocated to an experienced Adjuster who is responsible for the investigation and claims handling from start to until conclusion. Bespoke investigation reports are designed to meet the individual and specific requirements of our clients.
For further information about our Liability Division please contact:
Martin Mathieson -
Director of Claims
"Knowledge is an Investment"