Category: News

Driving without insurance: prosecution evidence: reverse burden

DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS v JOHN WHITTAKER (2015) Where a defendant charged with contravening the Road Traffic Act 1988 s.143 had produced a valid certificate of insurance, but the prosecution was maintained on the basis of alleged use of the vehicle in a way not permitted by the insurance certificate, the burden of proving that […]

Causes of action: contributory negligence: ex turpi causa: road traffic accidents

DANIEL MCCRACKEN (A PROTECTED PARTY BY HIS MOTHER & LITIGATION FRIEND DEBORAH NORRIS) v (1) DAMIAN SMITH (2) MOTOR INSURERS BUREAU (3) DARREN MICHAEL BELL (2015) A judge had not erred in finding a minibus driver negligent for failing to properly check at a junction before colliding with a stolen trials motorbike being ridden dangerously […]

No Casual Link to Trip

WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL v KIM FULLER (2015) Although a local authority was arguably in breach of duty in failing to carry out a risk assessment before asking a receptionist to deliver post around the office, for liability to be established there had to be a causal connection between the task and the injuries sustained […]

Bus Driver Not at Fault for Passenger Injury

The appellant was travelling on the respondent’s double decker bus, when the bus driver nraked suddenly, casuing the appellant to be thrown forward and another passsenger to fall onto her.  As a result of the accident, she suffered a back injury and fibromyalgia. At the liability only trial, the appellant argued that she was standing […]